December Monthly News
Yes! This Month They Notice The Glow
A Glance At December
The focus this month may be on important events that have a major impact on your fruition of ideas along with building stable foundations that provide an environment where you can grow. This may require you to focus more on how relationships are formed. The formation of solidarity, or even the appearance of it, will change the status quo or provide you with an opportunity to enter into a new partnership, a relationship, or lifestyle. You will soon realize your desire to feel accomplished within your goals, lies within your realm of mental manifestations. If you are desiring a commitment, this month, you may be thinking about the idea of love. You may even daydream about the one you love, a crush, or someone you would like to rekindle a connection with again. In fact, both of you will experience strong telepathic communication through synchronized visions, energy levels, dreams, and sexual pleasures. More than likely, when you speak to this person one or the other will want to make some plans to get together.
Mental Mood
Feeling anxious to get everything accomplished before the end of the year? Don’t be alarmed if you or the people around you are seemingly serious! No one seems to have time for the jokes and silly deeds. So use your logic and inner guidance this month on when to be serious and when to make lite of situations. This conscious adjustment to your communication skills can significantly aid you in resolving multiple problems. Don’t allow other people’s criticisms to be projected on to you, causing you to become even more critical than you used to be about mundane issues. It is important to think through all your actions and only act afterward you have thought of the outcome from different angles. Trying to demand something, be condescending, or antagonize someone may be a road that leads to conflicts.
Global/ World News ( News)
On a global level many of you will soon hear something that will shed light on the present outlook on political affairs or the status of financial assistance, which will come as a great relief. This could also mean the government may be asking for support on an idea or new law being passed. Lastly, someone from the Biden Administration may be hospitalized this month as well, bringing more assumptions to health complications within the cabinet.
Career Forecast
"Career Burnout Opens A New Door"
This month you will need to have a discussion with management concerning contractual agreements, profit sharing, or subsidies. Be very pragmatic, answerable, and attentive to the details, so nothing escapes your attention. When it comes to your career this month, you may feel like your intuitive abilities are weak. If this is the case, do not be hasty when it comes to making agreements or completing tasks. Make sure you are being accountable for your actions as well when making reports. You will also need to keep a watchful eye on your accounts, bills, and documents to ensure everything runs smoothly. If you have a chance, try improving your skills to keep you ahead of your peers and collegues. The dedicated time to your skills, gifts, and projects are what keeps you ahead of them. Individuals working with computers, electronics, and mathematics may have problems with connections or calculations. Make sure to plan ahead to avoid deadline issues, calculation errors, and backup the information on your computer.
“Everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to do the work. I live by that. You grind hard so you can play hard. At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually it’ll pay off. It could be in a year, it could be in 30 years. Eventually, your hard work will pay off.” — Kevin Hart
Spiritual Community
The spiritual community will be provided with a variety of opportunities and resources this month and well into January 2022. These are the opportunities the community can truly benefit from to help them heal and find their soul’s journey. Last month we discussed how the vibration of collective consciousness was raising to clear away old routines and usher in a new order. This month the time has come for those new spiritual paradigms and foundations to be created in the spiritual community. As members of this community you may notice an increase in Shamanism, Reiki Healers, and Tarot readers emerging. This is because individuals are realizing there is a huge gap of unmet needs being overlooked and underdeveloped in the community. As a result, readers can no longer claim to be of a growth mindset without showing the personal and professional growth acquired to maintain their validity and authenticity.
The Obituary:
This month you will finally end cycles where you completely lose all sense of control looking for stability. Maybe you stop falling for someone's excuses time and time again, or you finally stop cheating on your diet when your emotions take a turn for the worst. Whatever the case, you can anticipate three major endings that will transform your life. Here are some changes headed your way:
A change in music or the feeling you get when you hear a certain song. This month the flow of energy from even a song has the potential to evoke strong emotions. Partly, because the vibration of the instruments connects you to your feelings about your inner life. The change in music is symbolic of the changes you are experiencing in your inner life. For example, last week you listened to rap music to numb your emotions about a relationship. This week you are drawn to listening to harmonious music that balances out the emotional discord you once felt.
Career changes are coming this month. Some individuals will be starting new job assignments, getting promotions, or risk termination. If you have been having a rough time in the work sector things will be changing for you but you have to learn to communicate clearly to others.
Lastly, this month you will finally put an end to something that was causing you some type of emotional distress. This is the time to work on reaching your full potential because the changes taking place are well worth the outcome.
Programs & Classes:
Enjoy any of our classes and programs available under the events section this month.