November Monthly News
Searching For The Truth Leads You To A New Opportunity
A Glance At November
The focus this month can surround world issues, events, chance encounters, and gatherings that require some method of travel. If you have been experiencing restrictions or blockages this month expect a change in your situation. However, this change will require some degree of risk in order for you to embark on a new opportunity with an establishment, organization, group, family, or important individuals you align your self with. Inwardly, you maybe in search for truth and understanding in a situation that will foster a new wave of thinking.
Mental Mood:
No time for games or the people that play them this month! People may see you as being critical, yet logical, and assertive, which, will aid you in resolving multiple problems. Make sure you think through all your actions properly and only act afterwards.
Career Forecast:
"Career Burnout Opens A New Door"
You will begin a new enterprise which will afford you the opportunity to work with or teach the public on a grander scale, and if you’ve been thinking about leaving your current job or taking a leave of absence, in time you will. This could be the result of you feeling as if you are working very hard but for little or no profit. In the future this could make you feel frustrated and cause you to deviate from capitalizing on your own potential. Take this time to be pragmatic, punctual, attentive, rational, logical, and organized. As a result, nothing will escape your attention and you will minimize errors by maximizing concentration and preciseness.
This month you will succeed with financial records and making reports. Additionally, investments in the scientific sphere, machinery, and mathematics maybe fortunate for you. However, don’t rely on your intuition to make investments. Take the time to learn more about these sectors.
"Things don’t have to go according to plan in order for you to benefit from them. It’s time for you to drop the “support” systems and depend on God." – Divine
Spiritual Community News:
The spiritual community will soon turn into something much better and cohesive than it has been in the past eight months. Apparently, the havoc was actually the beginning of a new order, which, is destined to commence at this time. If the events had not convened in the way they did, individuals would still be where they are spiritually. Thus causing individuals to miss the turn of events fate has in store for them. The old path individuals were on had their mind filled with all the things it thought it desired and needs, which left no room for betterment. Therefore, forcing the vibration of the collective consciousness to raise, clearing the debris from the old away. This new order requires you to let go of your attachment to the past, feelings of loss, or your old routine. Thus helping you move into the new and unknown, which, is where you’ll find your opportunities now.
The Obituary:
The end has finally come, but not all endings bring about mourning and grief. Especially, not this month. In fact, this month you can finally celebrate the end of your struggles. This month you can anticipate three major endings that will transform your life. Here are some changes headed your way:
A problematic situation you have been dealing with for the past few months is coming to an end. This situation was a test of your faith in the process and now you are moving forward.
Voluntary obligations to commercial activities and annoying financial conditions will come to an end.
Lastly, this month you will no longer be attached to the way you think something should go or wish it would have gone. In fact, you have learned to accept the things you cannot change. If you are still struggling to let things go, this month you will finally drop the issue, quit participating in the situation, or put it behind you altogether.
Programs & Classes:
Enjoy any of our classes and programs available under the events section this month.